Tips for the rusty bolt

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One difficulty of excavator maintenance is that it is difficult to unscrew rusty screws and bolts. So how to deal with rusted screws quickly without damaging them? Here are a few tips.


Cola contains carbonic acid, and the component of rust is iron oxide. The chemical reaction between the two can remove the rust. Wipe the cola on the rusty screws. After a while, you will find that the screws are easy to unscrew.


Diesel oil

The coup of diesel lubrication is believed to be the most frequently used, and the diesel is very cheap to produce, but the effect can be very good. The disadvantage may be that the diesel will form an oil film during the infiltration process, which may cost a lot of time.



Use a wrench to tighten the screw, and then use a hammer to hit the handle of the wrench. If you hit it a few times, the rusty part inside will become loose due to the impact. It will be easier if you tighten it again, or you can directly hit the nut. Knocking around a few times will also loosen the nut and screw, making it easier to unscrew.



Although the effect of drilling holes on the bolts could work and the bolts can be easily unscrewed, it is only used on old and unused bolts because this method requires everyone to control the accuracy and directly declare the bolts to be scrapped. The cost is a bit high.


Welding tool

No rusted bolt can increase the torque and cannot be unscrewed. If so, continue to increase the torque! So welding a tool or iron rod on the bolt can quickly and easily unscrew the bolt.


Burn with fire

If the screw is extremely embroidered, you can use fire to heat it to expand the screw, then pour cold water to cool it quickly, increase the gap between the large screw and the nut, and you can easily remove the screw

However, this method is not suitable for use. There are a lot of precision parts on the excavator. If you do not pay attention to it during fire or heating, it may damage the machine.


Rust remover

You can also use a rust remover, but it does not mean that the effect of rust remover is not good. It is because the price of rust remover is high, and the bolts that have been rust removed must be washed in time, which wastes a lot of time.


Open-end wrench

Optional open-end wrench, so it is not easy to slip when disassembling
